Holiday Gift Guide: One Year Olds

Now on to a list of goodies for those one year old kiddos! This age they're beginning to hone in on their motor skills and love to get into just about anything. Let’s find some things to add to your cart!

  • Puzzles- Wooden puzzles are great for little ones because they are easier to manipulate and clean! Puzzles help finger strength and hand eye coordination as well as memory skills. 

  • Wooden blocks- Open ended toys are the best. Toddlers will work on their fine motor skills and explore concepts like early math, problem solving and cause and effect.

  • Water table- Water tables are so much fun! You can use them year round because they double as sand or sensory tables. They are great for sensory experience, gravity, STEM concepts, and sharing. 

  • Play food- pretend play is so important for language and emotional development. This toy also is great for math, sorting and colors. 

  • Bubble Machine - We recommend a machine with batteries and a plug. It gets exhausting blowing bubbles for the kids! Chasing bubbles helps children strengthen their muscles and develop their gross motor skills as well and use their language skills.

Comment below some of your go to gifts for one year olds! Until next time, happy shopping!


Holiday Gift Guide: Two Year Olds


Holiday Guide: 0-12 Months