Traveling with Children Tips

Traveling with your kiddos this summer? We’ve got some tips for you!

Whether you’re driving 2 hours to see relatives or flying 12 hours to visit an entirely different continent, traveling with young children can be nerve wracking, but with a little preparation, you can set yourself up for success. 

Pack Extra!

Keep an extra change of clothes handy, both for your kids and yourself if you can squeeze one in.  You might think you’re past the days of diaper blowouts or potty accidents, but when your 6 year old dumps an entire cup of apple juice in their lap 20 minutes into a 4 hour flight, you’ll be glad you have them. (Not that we’re speaking from experience or anything.) 


We all know snacks are super important to have on any trip. There are some fun ways to store your snacks and make them accessible to you and your kids. We added a snackle box to our Amazon list. Pack the favorites and even some new ones. You never know your kids' adventurous side may come out on the trip. 

Novelty is key!

Before you leave for your next trip, make a pit stop at the dollar store. Grab a few little toys, stickers, or coloring books and pack them in where they’ll be close at hand. When your kids are bored, take one out at a time throughout the trip to keep them occupied. Get extra time and a little surprise by wrapping up each toy. We made an amazon list with our favorite travel items.

Electronics are your friend!

Before leaving for a trip, make sure you download a few movies or tv shows you know your child will like. You can try downloading a new movie or two, but we find that most of the time, kids will gravitate toward their familiar favorites. With little ones make sure to start practicing wearing headphones a few minutes each day a few weeks before traveling. 

Don’t forget!

Pack your Pack & Play, potty, and your stroller! If your kiddo is still in a crib, it’s worth it to lug your pack and play along. If you’re flying, most airlines will let you check kid items for free. You can also check with your hotel or vacation rental to see if they have pack and plays for your guest use. The same with the stroller, but if you’re flying, wait to gate check this one. Even if your child prefers to walk, you can always load it up with your carry-on luggage or their car seat while you trek through the airport. If you don’t want to bring along all your gear check out this list of rental companies. There are also companies for other countries as well.

Baby’s Away

Baby Quip

Rent 4 Baby

Babies Get Away

Traveling Baby

Nighttime Necessities!

Bring your bedtime routine with you! Sleeping in a new environment can be hard for kids. Bringing familiar pillows, stuffed animals, blankets, and even their sound machine will make bedtime easier in the long run. Kids sleep best when they’re comfortable and so will you. If your kiddo loves their sound machine, brands like lectrofan make mini, battery operated ones that help with sleep on the go when you have a little one struggling to fall asleep. To help with time changes or sharing a room, think about renting or investing in a Slumberpod or travel black out curtains. 

Give yourself (and your kids) some grace! When you’re going on vacation, it may feel like you have to be the best parent and being on all the time. You may also believe that your kids should be happy and grateful that you’re spending half a million dollars on a dream trip to Disney World! Rightfully so, but when you’re out of your home environment and you’re all overtired and overstimulated, it can be hard to put on a happy face the whole time. Being sure to make time for some down time for everyone makes a big difference. Also, be sure you’re not being too hard on yourself if your kids spend an extra hour on their ipad or go to bed a couple hours late. You may also have to remember to give yourself some grace after the vacation and transition back into your family’s daily routine.

Check out our travel favorites here!


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